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JSS Manager

An easy way to manage multi context JSS on Linux

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The purpose of this script is to automate the installation and management of JAMF's manual installer in a multi-context (also known as multi-tenancy) environment.


The script requires a few things to be in place to operate correctly.

-Tomcat 7 should be installed on your server.

-MySQL should be installed on your database server.

-A copy of the JSS ROOT.war needs to be stored locally on the server. By default, the script will look for it in /usr/local/jssmanager, however this is stored in a variable and can be changed if needed.

-The script can be stored wherever you'd like. It does not need to be in the same location as your ROOT.war file.

-This script must be run as root.

User Definable Variables

You should edit these to suit your environment before running the script.

dbHost - set this to the DNS name or IP of your MySQL server. If you're running MySQL on the same server, you can leave this set to localhost.

dbRoot - the MySQL root user.

mysqlRootPwd - The MySQL root password. Leave this blank to be prompted each time.

dbDumpPath - The path to store your database dumps (backups). The script will create the directory if it's not found.

dbDump - Determines if you want to be prompted to dump the database during upgrades, or if you wish to always dump or never dump. Values accepted are "yes" (for always dump), "no" (for never dump), or "prompt" (to be asked each time).

logPath - where you want to store logs for the JSS. The default location is /var/log/jss.

webapp - set this to the location or your ROOT.war file. The default location is recommended.

eth - The local ethernet interface. This is used when granting permissions on the database, so it should be set to whichever interface is used to communicate with the MySQL server. Unless your server has multiple interfaces, this won't need to be changed.

logLocation - The path where the jssmanager logs will be stored.